Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Next up in the woodland creature series:

So I have created another woodland creature. 

He still needs some work. I need to make his mask stand out more. Once I do that, then I have a great idea! Which I am keeping to myself until I make it. ;0)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Today's Fun

So today I made a care bear:

And after I made him, I was inspired to make a pig:

After I made him, I made another with a different nose:

And then I decided to make a third one:

And if you have 3 little pigs, then you need a big bad wolf:

Here's the group: 

I think they turned out great! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Two tutorials are up!

Ok, well playing around, I made the Super Mario mushroom and then I attempted a Koopa, which resulted in an epic failure, but it did result in a very cute turtle. 

I posted it on a group I belong to, and a few asked if I had a tutorial for it, so I made one. I also made one for my Super Mario Mushroom. 

Check them out! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Woodland creatures got put on hold.

So my last post I talked about how I wanted to make a series of woodland creatures. Yeah, that got put on hold. I found a tutorial for a toadstool by Emily @ Loom Love and then from there I had the idea for a Mario mushroom. 

So I have been making them right and left (obviously). And this morning I finally complete a tutorial on them! 

We'll see if I get back to the woodland creatures, or see if I get distracted by something else.