Friday, January 31, 2014

Woodland creatures are becoming my favs

So not too long ago, I altered a design by Marloom Creations and made an adorable squirrel.

I love him! He turned out perfect. So did his tail, which was a complete accident. But hey, it worked!!!

So the other day I was sitting here and I thought a skunk would be cool to make, especially since they're similar is shape. So I gave it a try. 

So making these have got me thinking of doing more woodland creatures! A whole little cute family! 

I'll definitely keep you posted on my progress!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Made my own tutorial

Well after being asked quite a few times by a few different people I broke down and made my own tutorial for my Girl Scout cookie. It's not the best video but it's my first! It's a learning process for me. I'm sure I will get better in time. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Overnight Instagram Sensation

So, the video was posted and my Instagram handle was posted, I have over 100 new followers that I did not have before, granted a majority of it is 6-12 year old girls, but I am still flattered! I have now been asked by a few different people if I could start doing tutorials. Currently I don't really have the means to do it, although I think I am going to do an experimental video on my iPad and see how it turns out. I was told by a girl that I inspire her, which just made my heart melt. Yesterday morning when I checked the video MadebyMommy posted on YouTube had over 5000 views. And the video had only been up for 15 hours. I was impressed! 

I showed my daughter the video last night and she was super excited for her and her troop to get a shoutout. I made a panda bear yesterday and Saturday I made Red Fraggle. Both were liked on Instagram. 

Let's see what I can come up with next! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Excitement for me!

Ok, so I have been looming for about a month now. I have made a couple of things on my own, I have created a few bracelets, a few characters, and an animal. Last night I created a Girl Scout cookie. And it's become and internet sensation. Sharing it with a fellow loomer's page, a few people asked if I could make a tutorial. I don't really have the ability to do that, so I said my friend could do it if she wanted to. She passed it along to another friend of hers, who has a daughter that is a Girl Scout, and she has been talking to me and she is making a tutorial! My creation has become an internet sensation (in the loom world). I am BEYOND excited that something I made is so well liked!!!